Han VanderHart

Han VanderHart is a genderqueer Southern writer living in Durham, North Carolina. They have poetry and essays published in The Boston Globe, Kenyon Review, The American Poetry Review, The Rumpus, AGNI and elsewhere. Han hosts Of Poetry podcast, edits Moist Poetry Journal and reviews at EcoTheo Review, and is the author of the poetry collection What Pecan Light (Bull City Press, 2021) and the chapbook Hands Like Birds (Ethel Zine Press, 2019). Han edits the poetry press River River Books with Amorak Huey.

Derrick Austin

Derrick Austin is the author of Tenderness (BOA Editions, 2021), winner of the 2020 Isabella Gardner Poetry Award, and Trouble the Water (BOA Editions, 2016) selected by Mary Szybist for the A. Poulin Jr, Poetry Prize. His first chapbook, Black Sand, is recently out from Foundlings Press. His debut collection was honored as a finalist for the Kate Tufts Discovery Award, Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry, Lambda Literary Award for Gay Poetry, and the Norma Faber First Book Award. Tenderness was a finalist for a Golden Poppy Award, Lambda Literary Award for Gay Poetry, and a Northern California Book Award. He is a 2022-2023 Amy Lowell Poetry Traveling Scholar.

Benjamin Garcia

Benjamin Garcia’s first collection,Thrown in the Throat, was selected by Kazim Ali for the 2019 National Poetry Series (Milkweed Editions, August 2020). He works as a Sexual Health and Harm Reduction Educator throughout the Finger Lakes region of New York.

Hal Sansone

hal sansone is many contradictory things including a love poet, mystic, and trans-centered nursing and herbalism student. Upcoming work includes acting in and creating “Light My Way” with Sandbox Theatre, self-publishing poetry under the Insta handle @glampa_hal, and crafting medicinal teas. he lives on Oceti Sakowin homeland sometimes called Minneapolis with his two kitties, Fish and Mr. Flamingo. he wants you to know that he loves you, whoever you are.

Subhaga Crystal Bacon

Subhaga Crystal Bacon’s new book, Transitory, recipient of the Isabella Gardner Poetry Award,  is forthcoming in the fall of 2023 from BOA Editions.  She’s the author of two previous collections, Blue Hunger, 2020, Methow Press, and Elegy with a Glass of Whiskey, BOA Editions, 2004. A Queer Elder, she lives, writes, and teaches rural north-central Washington on unceded Methow land. Her recent work appears or is forthcoming in 45th Parallel, Rogue Agent, The Indianapolis Review, Rise Up Review, and The Meadowlark Review.  Her work can be found on www.subhagacrystalbacon.com.