

Care for the Caregivers:

a Reading & Lesson about Healing through Poetry, with Annette Gagliardi

MN poet Annette Gagliardi reads from her new collection: "A Short Supply of Viability", exploring the relationship of the caregiver to trauma, both their charges & their own - and how to deal with what has been called "compassion fatigue", and whether poetry offers any respite or balm at all. This 2.5-hour program will include a Poetry Prompt and a chance to discuss how poetry helps us heal.

Monday, September 12th from 6:30-9pm CT - Live online via Zoom! Enrollment fee $30, sliding fee.

And as always, all sales go to the poet!!

…Past Courses

Masters of Poetry

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Experiments in Elegy,

with Anthony Sutton

Surely, when the elegy form was first invented, ancient people were already deeply familiar with grief. So where does this leave us, thousands of years later, trying to follow Ezra Pound’s call to “MAKE IT NEW”? If we grieve in similar ways to how the ancients grieved, are there ways of expressing grief that are unique to the twenty-first century? In this generative workshop we will discuss recent books that mourn the dead, explore their innovations, and see what paths they open for our own writing.

  • Oct Tues 19th: Anne Carson’s Nox

  • Nov Tues 16th : Diana Khoi Nguyen’s Ghost Of

  • Jan Tues 18th : Matt Rassmussen’s Black Aperture

  • Feb Tues 15th: Victoria Chang’s Obit

  • Mar Tues 15th: Lyn Hejinian’s The Unfollowing 

All classes online via Zoom, the third Tues of the month, from 7pm to 9pm CT.

Enrollment fees: $25 per class, or $60 for 3 classes, or best yet, $100 for all 5 classes! (exceptions can be made through direct contact)

Bio: Anthony Sutton resides on former Akokiksas, Atakapa, Karankawa, and Sana land (currently named Houston, TX) and has had poems appear or forthcoming in Guesthouse, Zone 3, Gulf Coast, The Journal, Passages North, Prairie Schooner, Puerto del Sol, Quarter After Eight, Southern Indiana Review, and elsewhere.

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Formal Poetry with L.K.: Ghazals & Sonnets & Villanelles, oh my!!!

Each month L.K. will focus on a different type of formal poetry, delving into the different ways poets use formal poetics as a tool for their own craft.

Designed to be an interactive discussion, participants can expect to learn about a variety of different forms to use as a tool. There will be time for generative writing, reading, and discussion.

Class schedule:

  1. The Ghazal - Tues, January 12 at 7:00PM CST

  2. Sonnet/Anti-Sonnet - Tues, February 16 at 7:00PM CST

  3. Villanelle - Tues, March 16 at 7:00PM CST

  4. The Duplex (created by Jericho Brown) - Tues, April 13 at 7:00PM CST

  5. The Triolet - Tues, May 18 at 7:00PM CST

  6. Haibun/Haiku - Tues, June 8 at 7:00PM CST

Designed to be an interactive discussion, participants can expect to learn about a variety of different forms to use as a tool. There will be time for generative writing, reading, and discussion.

L. K. (they/them/theirs) is a queer, neurodivergent poet who has a penchant for formal poetics. They received their undergraduate from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. They have been published or forthcoming for publication in the West Review, Lullwater Review, the Wisconsin Historical Society Press, Defunkt Magazine, and elsewhere.